Access to Information Procedure Rule 16


Notice of Urgent Item


To the Chairman of the Corporate and Partnerships Overview and Scrutiny Committee


The County Council’s Constitution provides that if a matter which is likely to be a key decision has not been included on the Council’s Forward Plan for the requisite period, the decision may still be taken if an urgency procedure is followed.


Under Access to Information Procedure Rule 16:


16.1     Where the date by which a decision must be made makes compliance with Rule 15 (general exception) impracticable, then the decision can only be made if the decision maker (if an individual) or the Chairman of the body making the decision, obtains the written agreement of the Chairman of a relevant overview and scrutiny committee that the making of the decision is urgent and cannot reasonably be deferred. If there is no Chairman of a relevant overview and scrutiny committee, or if the Chairman of the relevant overview and scrutiny committee is unable to act, then the agreement of the Chairman of the Council, or in his/her absence the Vice-Chairman will suffice.

16.2     As soon as reasonably practicable after the decision maker has obtained agreement under Rule 16.1 above, s/he must make available at the Council’s offices a notice setting out the reasons why the meeting is urgent and cannot reasonably be deferred and publish the notice on the Council’s website.


It is anticipated that on 22 February 2023, the Council will consider a report regarding the Council Tax Resolution for 2023/24. This is a non-executive decision and is therefore not legally required to be published on the Forward Plan.


In a spirit of openness and transparency, this decision has voluntarily been published on the Forward Plan but not for 28 clear days. This matter requires consideration by full Council on 22 February 2023 and cannot reasonably be deferred, to enable the resolution to be made within the statutory timescales.


In accordance with the spirit of the provisions in the Access to Information Procedure Rules, I am, therefore, informing you as the Chairman of the relevant Overview and Scrutiny Committee, that it is intended that these matters be considered by full Council on 22 February 2023 and I am seeking your agreement that the making of the decision is urgent and cannot reasonably be deferred beyond this timeframe. If you so agree, please confirm in writing as soon as possible.




Assistant Chief Executive (Legal and Democratic Services)


Dated: 15 February 2023


I agree, for the reasons stated in this notice, that the making of this decision is urgent and cannot reasonably be deferred and that this item should be considered on 22 February 2023.



Signed                                                Date  

Chairman of the Corporate & Partnerships Overview and Scrutiny Committee

To [the Chairman of the [insert name] Overview and Scrutiny Committee/Chairman of the Authority/Vice-chairman of the Authority – delete as appropriate]


The County Council’s Constitution provides that if a matter which is likely to be a key decision has not been included on the Council’s Forward Plan for the requisite period, the decision may still be taken if an urgency procedure is followed.


Under Access to Information Procedure Rule 16:


16.1 Where the date by which a decision must be made makes compliance with Rule 15 (general exception) impracticable, then the decision can only be made if the decision maker (if an individual) or the Chairman of the body making the decision, obtains the written agreement of the Chairman of a relevant overview and scrutiny committee that the making of the decision is urgent and cannot reasonably be deferred. If there is no Chairman of a relevant overview and scrutiny committee, or if the Chairman of the relevant overview and scrutiny committee is unable to act, then the agreement of the Chairman of the Council, or in his/her absence the Vice-Chairman will suffice.


16.2 As soon as reasonably practicable after the decision maker has obtained agreement under Rule 16.1 above, s/he must make available at the Council’s offices a notice setting out the reasons why the meeting is urgent and cannot reasonably be deferred and publish the notice on the Council’s website.


It is anticipated that on FIELD_DUE_DATE, FIELD_DMTITLE will consider a report regarding FIELD_ISSUE_SUMMARY.


The intention to make the key decision is published on the Forward Plan however it has not been published on the Plan for the requisite 28 day period.


This matter requires a decision by FIELD_DMTITLE on FIELD_DUE_DATE and cannot reasonably be deferred, to enable the timely consideration and progress of this matter and FIELD_USE_URGENCY_EXPLAIN.


In accordance with the provisions in the Access to Information Procedure Rules, I am, therefore, informing you as the [Chairman of the relevant Overview and Scrutiny Committee/Chairman of the Authority/Vice-chairman of the Authority – delete as appropriate] that it is intended that this matter be considered by FIELD_DMTITLE on FIELD_DUE_DATE and I am seeking your agreement that the meeting and the making of the decision is urgent and cannot reasonably be deferred beyond this timeframe. If you agree that the meeting and the making of the decision is urgent and cannot reasonably be deferred and that this item should be considered on FIELD_DUE_DATE, will you please so confirm in writing as soon as possible.



Assistant Chief Executive (Legal and Democratic Services)






I agree, for the reasons stated in this notice, that the meeting and the making of this decision is urgent and cannot reasonably be deferred and that this item should be considered on FIELD_DUE_DATE.



Signed  [insert name of County Councillor]                                                                                                                                                                                  Date  FIELD_ISSUE_FIRST_PUBLIC_PUB

[Chairman of the [insert name] Overview and Scrutiny Committee/Chairman of the Authority/Vice-chairman of the Authority – delete as appropriate]






To [the Chairman of the [insert name] Overview and Scrutiny Committee/Chairman of the Authority/Vice-chairman of the Authority – delete as appropriate]


The County Council’s Constitution provides that if a matter which is likely to be a key decision has not been included on the Council’s Forward Plan for the requisite period, the decision may still be taken if an urgency procedure is followed.


Under Access to Information Procedure Rule 16:


16.1 Where the date by which a decision must be made makes compliance with Rule 15 (general exception) impracticable, then the decision can only be made if the decision maker (if an individual) or the Chairman of the body making the decision, obtains the written agreement of the Chairman of a relevant overview and scrutiny committee that the making of the decision is urgent and cannot reasonably be deferred. If there is no Chairman of a relevant overview and scrutiny committee, or if the Chairman of the relevant overview and scrutiny committee is unable to act, then the agreement of the Chairman of the Council, or in his/her absence the Vice-Chairman will suffice.


16.2 As soon as reasonably practicable after the decision maker has obtained agreement under Rule 16.1 above, s/he must make available at the Council’s offices a notice setting out the reasons why the meeting is urgent and cannot reasonably be deferred and publish the notice on the Council’s website.


It is anticipated that on FIELD_DUE_DATE, FIELD_DMTITLE will consider a report regarding FIELD_ISSUE_SUMMARY.


The intention to make the key decision is published on the Forward Plan however it has not been published on the Plan for the requisite 28 day period.


This matter requires a decision by FIELD_DMTITLE on FIELD_DUE_DATE and cannot reasonably be deferred, to enable the timely consideration and progress of this matter and FIELD_USE_URGENCY_EXPLAIN.


In accordance with the provisions in the Access to Information Procedure Rules, I am, therefore, informing you as the [Chairman of the relevant Overview and Scrutiny Committee/Chairman of the Authority/Vice-chairman of the Authority – delete as appropriate] that it is intended that this matter be considered by FIELD_DMTITLE on FIELD_DUE_DATE and I am seeking your agreement that the meeting and the making of the decision is urgent and cannot reasonably be deferred beyond this timeframe. If you agree that the meeting and the making of the decision is urgent and cannot reasonably be deferred and that this item should be considered on FIELD_DUE_DATE, will you please so confirm in writing as soon as possible.



Assistant Chief Executive (Legal and Democratic Services)






I agree, for the reasons stated in this notice, that the meeting and the making of this decision is urgent and cannot reasonably be deferred and that this item should be considered on FIELD_DUE_DATE.



Signed  [insert name of County Councillor]                                                                                                                                                                                  Date  FIELD_ISSUE_FIRST_PUBLIC_PUB

[Chairman of the [insert name] Overview and Scrutiny Committee/Chairman of the Authority/Vice-chairman of the Authority – delete as appropriate]




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